What fools these mortals be.
One week ago; Conserves Twitter is a public * utility and we must break up big ** tech like Twitter. Twitter censorship is a threat to democracy.
Liberals: Twitter is a private company and has a right to determine who post on Twitter.
After Friday
Conservatives: Elon bought Twitter, freedom, and democracy.
Liberals: Twitter is a threat to democracy.
* Public ___________ (example public space public utility), an erroneous method by liberals and now conservatives to arbitrary redefine private property to justify government regulations.
** Big: a subjective pejorative assign to justify greater government regulation and infringement of private property. Examples are BIG Tech, BIG pharma.
To me leadership was a problem but not the problem; the problem is Twitter. First, I think it impossible to have a coherent and thoughtful discussion in a maximum of 250 characters. Trump Tweets and trolls for example. Second, Twitter seems to bring out the worst in people.