Three is a new comedy show on IFC called Portlandia about a stereotypical LA couple moving to Portland. IFC released a promotional video called The Dream of the ’90s is alive in Portland. They get it right about the loony leftist idiocy called People’s Republic of Portland Oregon.
Portlandia: Portland Dream of the ’90s – Portlandia – Series – On Air –
A few choice lines
“Remember when people were content to be unambitous, sleep to 11, just hang out with their friends; when you had no occupations whatsoever; maybe working a couple of hours a week at a coffee shop.”
“Not in Portland. Portland is a city where young people go to retire.”
“It’s like Portland’s almost alternative universe. It’s like Gore won. The Bush administration never happened. Portland, it’s almost like cars don’t exist. They ride bikes, double-decker bikes. They ride unicycles. They ride the tram. They ride skateboards.”
Maybe it because Portland is trying to became a socialist dictatorship driving out business from Schumacher Furs to Colombia Sportswear along trying to take away our personal liberty in how we chose to eat, shop and transport ourselves.
A recent study shows Multnomah County is second to last in private-sector job creation when ranked among 199 Western state counties. Other facts include
“198th out of 199.
Ranking of Multnomah County in private-sector job creation out of the 194 counties and 5 multi-county areas in the five western* states from 1997 to 2009.”
“Multnomah County has lost 26,463 private-sector jobs
since 1997. It ranks second to the bottom in job creation
among 194 counties and 5 multi-county areas in the
West* over the last decade.”
No wonder why “Portland is where young people come to retire”. Without any job prospects, except as an activist, Portland is the place be a hip, unemployed, and a bum
Perhaps instead of The Dream of the ’90s is alive in Portland it should be The Nightmare of the 00’s and business is Portland