Wow in the US a 16 year (I assumed now x-gay) gets demon casted. I am glad he is here in the US. because if he was in Iran He would be shaking because he is being stoned to death or hanged. So forgive me if I do not show any outrage. I do find it scary how fast the story spread with all its misconceptions and bias.
While I am a Christian (more on the reformed sided) therefore, I have a lot of doctoral problems with Pentecostalism, I understand their mindset. I have hard time believing this is abuse, I seen my share of Pentecostal services more that I care . We had a good size group onboard an aircraft carrier I served on. I am not surprised with the idea of attributing sin to demons, something I do not ascribe to. Our sin nature is apart of us and will manifest in sin including that of homosexuality. The good news of the Gospel is Christ died for sin.
Assuming the 16 year came willingly, the probable the outrage is that a person can willing chose to leave homosexuality, blowing apart the myth once gay always gay, there nether one straight always straight.
In a secular philosophical sense, I get the feel humankind refuse to believe we are machine ruled by fate, especially art and music. It odd to me to say no we have the freedom to change but to say in regard to homosexuality we are slaves to instinct or genes.