You Get the Fandom One Deserves

Ok I am not a happy camper about this, thanks to some in the fandom Kyell Gold will get his 15 minutes of fame on the front page of Wikipedia for is accomplishment in winning the Ursa Major Awards including two for the 2008 awards. This would be no problem except Mr. Gold expertise is writing Homo-erotic furry pornography.  

This dovetail back what 2 The Ranting Griffin talked about, we are getting the fandom we deserve when we parade people like Mr. Gold to the world, and the world out side fandom laughs and call us sexual reprobates in animal costumes. If we want to clean the image of the fandom we need to stop propping up Smut writers as fine examples of furry fandom. Then again the issue goes deeper to how we the boomer generation mange to screw up society and future generation with our narcissism and hedonism.   


 “The green one “objected to my criticism saw I need to nominate something better. As somebody who been reading series Science fiction since 1970’s and avid reader I say first give me something worthy to read. The problem is quality material worthy for any award is hard to find for example the numerous times I leave the dealers den empty handed. Ether I get furry pornography or the furry version of 90210. The fact the Mr. Gold was able to receive the number of nominations he did show the dubious nature and perhaps the irrelevance of the Ursa Major Awards, not to mention why use a small convention like All Fur Fun to announce them.

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