Con Report: MEWcon 31 Dec 2010 – 2 Jan 2011

Mew Con Convention Report
The Convention: MEWCon
The Place: Sheraton: Portland Airport Hotel, Portland Oregon.
The Dates: 31 Dec 2010- 2 Jan 2011

MEWCon or Manga and Exotic Worlds convention is a cross genre convention; unlike other fan cons, MEWCon does not focus on one fandom but a mixture of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Anime and even a touch of Furry. Like Kumoricon and Orycon, my Big Chococat made the rounds.

Like Kumoricon and Orycon I brownbag lunch to keep cost down. Where the back parking lost was located, I was able to do some plane spotting while eating lunch. The first panel was the Taking Great Cosplay Panel. This panel was very helpful especially after Kumoricon; I was not very satisfied with my Kumoricon pictures, this panel will help me next year. Next on the list was dinner then the Anime Arts Basic Workshop; this was a three day, two hours a day, workshop covering the basics in making Anime art. I just schmoozed and hopped in panels, video room, and the library until meting in main events to welcome 2011. Next I caught some of 2001 A Space Odyssey in the video room, and part of the Random Panel of Doom before heading home for my safety.

This was the big day for us furs but disappointing than not many furs showed up. There was the PNW furry and am I a furry panel. Gene had to leave on emergency so I was left on my own to catch the end of Summer Wars OVA, and the hilarious Anime version of Who’s Line is it Anyway, Part Two of Anime Arts Basic Workshop and late evening Guy’s AMV showing.

There was not much in a way of panel I wanted to do. Do, I did go to a panel that explains the Catholic Mass. Nest, I went out to Sizzlers went a new fried I made then caught the last installment of Anime Arts Basic Workshop. Unlike other conventions where they chased one out or closed down by 5:00p, MEWcon keep going till midnight on the last day; I was tired and starting a new job on Monday, I called it a con around 10:00pm.

The Good:
Panned like Anime Arts Basic Workshop, and Taking Great Cosplay Panel. The Hotel was a great improvement over MEWCon II more food option are near by. The hotel is a good place to lounge and sold snacks. The Video room was well planned and blew away Kumoicon and Orycon’s offerings.

The Bad:
Furries AWOL, common folks, there more to furry that fur cons and meets. We could use some fursuiters. The Main expensive hotel restaurant, again, con geeks do not have business expense account like budgets.

The Ugly:
I been told 50% attendees failed to pay membership. Con like MEWCon depends on membership; to steal form the by ghosting the con only hurts the convention. Shame on you all shame on you all.

Overall, I had a wonderful time, a great way to ring in the New Year. Mewcon has a potential to be a nice convention, I hope there will be a Mewcon 4. Cross genre is a great opportunity for the local fandoms, including furry fandom, to get together to revel in their fandom or learn from and interact with other fandoms.

Pictures bellow as usual.

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  1. Pingback: MEWCon | The Kittyler Mews

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