There Patch O Fur goes again, hunting imaginary Nazis in the fandom.
Recently Dogpatch Press had release another round logical fallacies dressed as news of news alleging Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi shill of the Daily Stormer, accepting and encouraging the Alt Furs. Dogpacth press’ argument on this post and others built shaky foundation of tweets taken out of context and generalizations.
“Founder of Neo-nazi website The Daily Stormer praises Nazifurs and Altfurs as good examples for his wider movement.
One defense of Nazifurs I have heard over the years is that they are just adopting fascist fashion to get a rise out of you, or even that they are mocking real Nazis. This doesn’t hold up well to me, as ones I knew in 2005 who said they were joking are mostly taking their act seriously now.”
Patch offer no real concrete proof than stream of screen captures. The problem is a post by Romulus, before having his twitter cut off, reveals Andrew Anglin is using Furries to troll “neo-con keyboard commandos”. I am using a polite word.
Searching @AndrewAnglin I found his Gab account. Mr. Anglin’s own posting points to and support precept he is not supporting but using furries. For example:
“Conservatives are afraid because they don’t want to win.
Furries are putting their big furry balls on the line for you, and keyboard commandos have the nerve to criticize them on the internet?”
“If you think you can create the perfect, non-furry optics, then get out there and do it. Who’s stopping you? “
It seems to me this person is a modern day technophile troll. Much of his posting on Gab is a mixture of racism, anime and memes. Around this time Newsweek report about infighting within Alt-Right which Mr. Anglin was involved. I believe the post have to do more with the infighting that affirmation of the fandom or existence of Nazism in the fandom.
I should note Mr. Anglin does not have a favorable view of the fandom
With this in mind we can go back to Dog Patch. latter Summercat offers and explanation correction of a photo of fursuiters in front of a Nazi flag to prove used to prove Nazis in the fandom. The photo was not of group of Furry Neo Nazis but some furs visiting a WW II exhibit.
Summercat ‘s explanation is a good start to call into question the evidence that Nazi or White Supremacist exist and actively recruiting in the fandom. Most false evidence come from Dog Patch press in a way of composition fallacy, contextual error, Non Sequitur, taking about Holocaust deniers, Nazi then switch focus to Furry Raiders and a Alt-Furry with linking the two, and hearsay , and second hand post without evidence.
Dogpatch’s last post has found in to the mainstream media is an example how such false calm and history is hurting those in the fandom and causing unnecessary disruption in a fandom known for its tolerance.