With Newcon done, time to plan for the rest of the year
Furlandia (furry)
Gearcon (Steam Punk)
Kumoricon ( Anime )
Rose City Comic con
Orycon (science fiction)
Newcon 4.
Long shots
Sasquan 2015 World Science Fiction Convention
Panels I plan or think about submitting
I plan to bring from Kumoicon , Furry and Anime panel
Another panel I think and panel to do is “ Beyond the furcon: being a furry at other conventions and geek communities. As you see I go to many different fan con a year. This we discuss stepping out and being fur at other conventions and geek communities. I am looking for other furs who attend other cons like Radcon, Sakuracon, Norwescon, Ever ree NW, and other NW fan conventions. I am so look fur who are also involved with Anime, science and Steampunk communities. How does one integrate furry into other communities.
Otaku Over 25, a panel for older fans. I have one recruit but looking for other especially in planning and topics. I real need more than filling a seat on a panel.
Furry and anime 2?
Newcon 4
Explaining Furry.