Con Report: MEWcon

The Con:  Mewcon or Manga and Exsotic Worlds Convention
The Place:  Red Lion Inn Vancover WA
The Time 31 Dec to 2 Jan 2010

Mew con is an Anime, SF and Fantasy convention in Vancover WA. The convention is small and what I consider a relax-a-con. Relax a con is a term a friend came up to describe small convention that doesn’t have much in the way of organized events, so much of the time is spent with friends or lounging  around.

My adventure started on Thursday 31 Dec 2009. I quickly rushed home after work then to the convention and picked up my badge. I did bring in my big Hello Kitty plush and like other conventions (Kumoricon Rainfurrest), she was a hit. I hung around before driving to East Vancover to find food. One gripe is, I misread the schedule and missed the opening ceremony because I assumed the opening ceremony would happen after the concert.  Another gripe was the video room. It really had slim pickings, if Guy did not step in it would be empty.  I went to the dace and hung around the outskirts until midnight to issue in the New Year.
Friday was more of the same, I spend the time playing Hello Kitty online or working on my art. There was not much in the way of panes to keep my interest. The person who was supposed to run the Animockery event was a no-show; Guy stepped in and salvaged things.
Saturday I had back to the con after a breakfast, today I only attended two panels, the Often Renamed Panel II and the Steampunk World panel. I stayed around till the closing ceremony before heading home.  
Overall, even with all its faults I had a good time.

The Good:

            Getting out of the house for a fan convention
            Meeting new furs and two fursuiters.

The bad:

            Location, I can not blame Mewcon but downtown Vancover is dead.
            Video room, a lot of good potential was wasted.
            Events that did not happen or were late.
            Confusing schedule
            I am Anime fan, but the con was too focused on Anime and Manga.

The Ugly:

            Messy attendees; folks please clean after yourself; the library was a pigpen.
           Hotel bar: I hate it when Hotels to turn the spaces into a want-a-be joke of a nightclub. I could   not  get in with my stuff.   Hotel bars are for lounging.


            Mewcon needs more Science Fiction and Fantasy events and a wider selection in the video room.

            Better organization of events and video room.

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