Just a thought

America was not founded  on  Judeo-Christian values; it more like cultural appropriation of Judaism and Christianity. The founding fathers took the ideas they like and left the Gospel.

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Happy Birthday America

“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”

Letter attributed to John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776, “Had a Declaration
Yes he said God, Guns
and Illuminations I am looking at you city government of Vancouver.

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Gen X-ers Millennials or Siblings

In a recent article they attempt to define a micro generation of those born between 1977 and 1983.  The article is deeply flawed and is part of a greater issue what I call hyper generationalism. This is the mistake of defining the span of generations too short to even where one generation can have children declared as two different generations.  In addition, there is the problem of collectivism over generalizing the experiences of a generation.   It should not matter how fast things have changed, all the events and tendencies become that generation’s experiences.  In this case, if you parents are boomers you are Generation X and your children are Millennials. I felt the same micro generation mistake was applied to me born in 1960 when a writer tired to name us Generation Jones.

Now I do believe there is a phenomenon at the end  of every generation, that every generation  has a sibling group  where the members did not create the culture but had it  handed down to them.   Being born in 1960, I do not feel attached  to the Boomers but it is like when  the older sibling went to college, Vietnam, or the commune we were the ones who got the room, old clothes, magazines, and records, i.e. the Boomer culture  hand me downs.

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A note to Anti trade twits.

I am sick and tired of these anti  trade  twits and conservatives with an obsessive  manufacturing fetish. They believe  in the fantasy  if we block trade all  those jobs  will come back  to the USA and we  all be working factory jobs like it 1950.  I got news for you,   believing in the Ester Bunny has more credibility   than anti  trade policy. Even if the job come back they will be automated and with the rise of robots and AI,  theses factory will require less workers.  This  is not the 1950 America anymore. Innovate or shut up enjoy your rust bucket city.

I been working  high  tech for  25  years. I even spent  in Electronic manufacturing. Oh yes proud to be  American factory worker  doing the same job of attaching a back panel to a box and do a continuity test. Finally I got out of  rut work becoming  a test technician, electronics repair, and finally and engineering technician help validate new  computer based product that will was designed  in the US   built   in China and  sold  around the  world because of free trade.  A young person today do not  have work the same job in Podunk  USA  with not hope getting out or a Pittsburg steel mill sucking fumes  that will give him or her lung cancer at an old age. Oh stick  your chest out  proud  and tell the  world you are  proud  to be an American Factory worker working a grunt  job in the same city.


If anything Free trade decentralize opportunity. A person of any age today can work Apple store or Best Bury in any city or any industry like transportation, management, design and engineering, marketing and other areas that have benefit from free trade. They can  open a computer store or replacing phone screens and fix propels mobile tech for a living, become an YouTube blogger, or develop and sell an app of IOS or the Apple store. We have  homemakers  earning money selling on EBay, Etsy, and  Amazon.


Oh yes there still be a place for  American manufacturing for niche goods   but there  is a  whole new world in the service industry and to  the Neanderthal twits: the service industry is not  just flipping hamburgers.  So time stop this foolishness   and to the you man and women  tell me in the comment where  do you want to work  for the same wage, a factory turning  for screws all day or a apple story selling I-phones made in China?

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