Sanrio to Release Gender Neutral Hello Kitty

Akab News 1 Apr 2018.

Don’t call Hello Kitty a Girl. Sanrio announces release of Gender Fluid and Gender Neutral collaboration. The initial release will feature Hello Kitty.  “It is a known fact Hello Kitty does not have a mouth because they want people to “project their feelings onto the character” and “be happy or sad together with Hello Kitty. We are taking the next step in allow people to self identify Hello Kitty’s gender in a wide range of the gender spectrums.  We are appealing to today gender reality and sensitivity. “, quote a spokes person for Sanrio.

Most LGBT activist approve of Sanrio bold move while a few Gay and lesbian and feminist groups criticize   about pandering to “That group”.  Gender Neutral releases of other characters including Batz Maru, My Melody will follow.

SANRIO, best known for global icon Hello Kitty® and home to many more endearing characters including Chococat®, My Melody®, and Keroppi®, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. August 2010 marks the golden anniversary for the worldwide lifestyle brand that was founded on the “small gift, big smile®” philosophy – that a small gift can bring a big smile to people of all ages. Today, over 50,000 Sanrio-branded items are sold in over 70 countries around the world, please visit

Hello Transgender.

or Male Hello Kitty fans caught in the crossfire?

I been thing how transgender issue are  popping up in the media from Caitlyn Jenner to transgender bathrooms.  My concern is  how all this will impact male  Hello Kitty fans who are not transgender. Will we  be left alone or caught in the culture war’s crossfire. I would not be surprised that there  are transgender Hello Kitty fans but not all Male Hello Kitty fans are LGBT.  Just because one wears a Hello Kitty  shirt made of a female, carries a hello Kitty Backpack, or sports a Hello Kitty wallet does not  make that person transgender.  For many of us we like Hello Kitty but make do with items  marketed  to women because  the lack of  Hello Kitty Men’s items.

What brought this up was a post I received  on my Hello Kitty blog. This person chastised   me with a wall of text, call me a narcissist, selfish  arrogant because I had a Hello Kitty bag and  wallet  but does not referred  myself as transgendered.   I may know this person . This person   had came across as  very immature, unlike other transgender people  I met in life. This person cam across as a self  impose activist who  need to identify people to their pet case, regardless if the person likes it or not.

So if anything; guys in wearing or carrying any Hello Kitty items  does not make one  transgended.