Tag Archives: MEWCON

Con Report: MEWcon 31 Dec 2010 – 2 Jan 2011

Mew Con Convention Report
The Convention: MEWCon
The Place: Sheraton: Portland Airport Hotel, Portland Oregon.
The Dates: 31 Dec 2010- 2 Jan 2011

MEWCon or Manga and Exotic Worlds convention is a cross genre convention; unlike other fan cons, MEWCon does not focus on one fandom but a mixture of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Anime and even a touch of Furry. Like Kumoricon and Orycon, my Big Chococat made the rounds.
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Christmas 2010

I got the tree up a little early this year because I will be head home on the 24th.
other thing in may life is I got a two moth temp job starting in January, unlike other thias one id a direct temporary position and my lead to more work. Because of a bump in unemployment, I will be able to attend mewcon , a cross genre fan convention (SF anime and a bit of furry) over the New Years Holiday in Portland Oregon. This year there will be three furry panels.

On the subject cross genres fan conventions, I want to bring up is cross genre conventions and other fan conventions that are fur friendly. Here in Northwest we have a new one call MewCon. In addition, I think Radcon in the Tri Cities WA are fur friendly and furry panels pop up at RustyCon (SF) and sakura con (anime). I see this a great opportunity for furs to look beyond the fur con to be with other furs, preset the furry fandom to other fan communities and to expand ones geek horizons beyond furry.


Con Report: MEWcon

The Con:  Mewcon or Manga and Exsotic Worlds Convention
The Place:  Red Lion Inn Vancover WA
The Time 31 Dec to 2 Jan 2010

Mew con is an Anime, SF and Fantasy convention in Vancover WA. The convention is small and what I consider a relax-a-con. Relax a con is a term a friend came up to describe small convention that doesn’t have much in the way of organized events, so much of the time is spent with friends or lounging  around.
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