Tag Archives: Gear Con

Steampunk Epiphany

I just got back from Gear Con, The Steampunk convention in Portland Oregon. I was very curious about the Steampunk community but I missed last year’s Gear Con because I got the dates wrong.  For the uninitiated, Steam Punk is both a genre of retro speculative /alterative historical literature, art and a community of creative persons.  The main premise is what if Victorian industrial technology was much more sophisticated; think indusial revolution and 19th century science   on steroids.

My epiphany is the strong similarity between furry and steam punk communities: we both highly creative and fans of our own creation.  Because we are fans of our own creation both fandoms are more open and freer for self expression. Both furries and Steampunk fans are free to explore our own characters and aesthetics without the fear of violating the cannon. Both furries and Steampunk differ to Anime and Science Fiction fans in that both anime and Science   Fiction fans what other created.

I think Steampunk can teach furries a few things like being open generationally; this one area I am very critical of furry fandom the lack of openness  and family friendliness. Part is a problem with the 20-30 year old generation; their lack of ability to work with those outside their peer group.
I can see me crossing both furry and Steampunk communities