Tag Archives: EMP Museup

EMP Museum Outing

I went to  the  EMP mainly for Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty exhibit. I had been to the  EMP  museum in the past  when it was just Music and Science Fiction Hall of Fame.  The really  renovated  the museum  taking parts of  the Science  Fiction and music Exhibits and tuned  in to  a pop culture exhibit space including Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction,  Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic, Can’t Look Away: The Lure Of Horror Film and the Sea Hawks We Are 12 exhibit.  The sky Church screen stopped me in my tracks . The studio and interactive  music studio is still on the third floor.  What was supposed to be just a few hours for the Hello Kitty Exhibit turned into a all day event. Well worth the time.

My only gripe is the location of the Science Fiction Hall of fame, it should have a more dignified space.

Hello Kitty Photos  Are  Hear
