2 the Ranting Gryphon will not be performing, or should I say blacklisted at Anthrocon according to his Twitter account.
According to his YouTube response the board against the wishes Samuel Conway (aka Uncle Kage), the board decide not to allow 2 to perform at Anthrocon. In a more recent video 2 reveled here was blacklisted from performing at Anthrocon including performing in a melody with Uncle Kage performance and the charity show. 2 was not schedule for any solo shows. Both shows are still on the schedule. He is prohibited to have access to a smaller room, or schedule during times when the main events room is unused. Even more baffling is Antrocons response. 2 still attracts the largest audience and if they want freshen the acts why not also replace Uncle Kage’s show and the Charity show? Most troubling, (now confirmed)is that same political correct intolerance that is shutting down speech in out universities, and lead to the Hugo Awards fiasco has moved into the Furry fandom.