Monthly Archives: January 2025

My Message to the Fury Fandom on 20 Jan 2025.

As a furry I am writing this on the inauguration day. Many Furries are being told by political activist the fandom is doom because Trump won. I disagree, if anything Trump inviting the Village People is a hint on his feeling.  In addition, the hoax and entrapment of litterboxes in schools is dead. I heard nothing about the issue of this election cycle from Trump supporters or Republican in my news feeds, compared to 2022 election cycle. There is no call for Gay concentration camps.  

The real issue to me is the LGBTQAS (whatever) went too far to the point of absurdity, or even better observations from Democratic pundits politics from the ivory tower of sexual identity movement, CRT, and DEI, caused a backlash and even drove many typical Democrat working class voters, including Blacks, Latinos, constituents to Trump.  Good luck blocking a working-class voter non furry from your social group or fur cons. See if the non-furry working-class care.

Let me give my solution, be a furry. The furry fandom is about fans of anthropomorphic animals in art, literature and fursuiting. Furry transcends age, sexual orientation, religion, and even politics. That how it was in 2006 when I was a Republican and biblically orthodox Christian who joined the fandom. I talk to many furs that were Gay and not like me because we focused on the furry things we had in common than our political differences. Yes, one can be active in one political cause and be a furry. Just do not push it as a standard and definition to be a furry.

  Let me be blunt to the young whippersnappers. It is way above your pay grade to tell a person who is older than you, younger than you, straight, CIS they cannot be a furry. That wall you want to talk about is outside the room you isolate yourself and see if I notice.    

Just be a Furry.