Daily Archives: October 14, 2023

When Papa Cast Vision

An open reply to the message Grubs Grizzly sent before banning from the Greymuzzle group.

For those who know me on Greymuzzle Group on Facebook, I am no longer part of the group. Grubs Grizzly, the owner of the Group has help me make the decision to part ways.  I will still call for discernment and seek multiple sources than rely on one vocal vision casting spokesperson. My crime is to disagree over his decision to ban AI art on his group, which is one of many disagreements I have with his action thought the years. I may have confirmed in his last post to me before I gracefully deleted it that Grubs is engaging in vision casting.

Vision Casting comes out of the megachurch movement.   The idea is one sets them self as leader, in the case the pastor, The job of the leader is to create a vision for the community one feels they oversee. As a member of the community of the vision casting leadership, their duty is to carry out the vision cast by the leader.  The terrible final aspect of vision casting is no can question the vision of the leaders; objectors are cast out of the community. One notable example was Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church, with his throwing detractors under the Mars Hill Bus rant.  I was threatened to be written off by the pastor of a Baptist Church I was a member for asking accommodation and compromise by standing up for our elderly members the pastor had written off in the pastors attempt to reshaping the church to attract a younger generation, and now Grubs Grizzly ejecting me from The Grey Muzzle group. If Grubs Grizzly thinks his act will hurt me, it will. Am I grieved about what I said, yes, but I still stand by my words. I am used to it, and I grew stronger. So, Goody Bye. I will not quarrel with you. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left. I will leave you this warning Grubs: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.