Monthly Archives: February 2011

Important announcement

Once again, I was the only one at the Pioneer place meet and one of two at the West side meet. This has been going one for the last few months.

The writing is on the wall. There not much interest of meets in PDX furs. As a result, I removed both the Pioneer Place and the West side meets from the calendar. I no longer try to promote both. I did not touch any other meets listing. If somebody wants to start both up I am open to going and helping out. I would suggest if not the mall we have quarterly meet, party, picnic instead; I not going to waste any of my time trying to organize one if nobody shows up.

With decline of all out meets, a lack of leadership that lead to the fury drama. I not associating or working with PDX furs. I would like to see a more family friendly fur group in Portland. I will make this clear in now way I going to compete with or impugn the snark group but will not tolerate any harassment. My reasons are I just do not care for vulgarity and I feel I do not fit in with the sark group due to the age difference. Once I stabilize my employment situation, I gong to put my energy in creating a new furry presence in PDX. I have more on my own blog and perhaps I will donate space on my web host account.

Unfortunately, due to the possibility of my end of contract, I may be able to attend the Tuesday group, but if I am the only one attending, I just going to stop going to any regular meet.

Congressman Furry? 1st District Oregon?

here a local scandal concerning the mental fitness of David Wu 1st district Oregon. I am in the 1st distinct Oregon. The issue started over resignation of his staffers and erratic behavior during the last campaign. Thanks to a local news story in Willamette Week and a comment tagged Wu being closet a furry. A local talk radio show host had contacted uncle kage for a comment  I never seen Wu at our meets, it can’t hurt 😉

I am from the 1st Congressional district in Oregon. I cannot say I voted for him. I did volunteer for one out of the two credible Republican challengers to Wu. I was a Republican Precinct person. Sadly, most years we had no candidate running. (I sat out 2010 because I was disenchanted poor performance in campaigning and unemployment.) His costume is much ado about nothing.
The Willamette Week story tell a lot

“According to multiple sources, Wu went instead to Ping, a nearby restaurant for lunch. Only after he left Ping did those staffers stage the first “intervention,” an emotional meeting that spanned several hours during which staffers told the congressman they were worried about his health.

With Halloween approaching the Sunday before the Tuesday election, sources now tell WW that campaign aides had advised Wu not to dress in any costume that could potentially embarrass him.

(He was expected to face a close contest.) They worried, too, that a goofy getup could provide fodder for last-minute campaign attacks from Cornilles, Wu’s well-financed Republican opponent. The issue arose after Wu told staffers about a Halloween party he had wanted to attend with family and friends.

What follows here is a series of early-morning email messages from Wu’s BlackBerry to multiple staffers sent on the early hours of Saturday, Oct. 30.

The emails do not offer a definitive account of why Wu’s aides fled the congressman’s office in significant numbers just after his sixth successful re-election campaign. They do reveal that Wu’s staffers apparently had confronted the congressman about his drinking. They also suggest Wu faced accusations of harassment from his employees—and that Wu wasn’t eager to listen to any of the advice. Wu, through a spokesman, wouldn’t respond to specific questions about the written content of the emails.

At 1:03 am PST on Saturday, Oct. 30, an email from Wu’s Congressional BlackBerry landed in the inbox of a female staffer. The congressman—who splits his time between Washington, D.C., and Oregon—was then in Portland.

There was no message attached to the email, only a single image. That photo, copied above, showed Wu in a plush tiger suit with orange- and black-striped mittens over his hands, a hood with pointy ears pulled over his head and a white circle split by a zipper stretched over his stomach. A seemingly red-faced Wu is sitting on a bench in what appears to be a bedroom, with his hands held in the air. A spokesman, Erik Dorey, today called the photo a private moment between family members. He further described the photo as “David Wu joshing around with his kids the day before Halloween.”

Nineteen minutes later, at 1:22 am PST, a second email from Wu’s official email address went to multiple Wu staffers under the subject line “not funny.””

More as the story unfolds.

Con Report: MEWcon 31 Dec 2010 – 2 Jan 2011

Mew Con Convention Report
The Convention: MEWCon
The Place: Sheraton: Portland Airport Hotel, Portland Oregon.
The Dates: 31 Dec 2010- 2 Jan 2011

MEWCon or Manga and Exotic Worlds convention is a cross genre convention; unlike other fan cons, MEWCon does not focus on one fandom but a mixture of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Anime and even a touch of Furry. Like Kumoricon and Orycon, my Big Chococat made the rounds.
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