Daily Archives: December 30, 2010

Meet my New Kitty Jane Jetset (now you can stop telling me BAB has Hello Kitty ;) )

Jane Jetset

Many fellow furs were telling me at the meets about the availably of Hello Kitty at Build a Bear. Well fret no longer I finally bought one with the Christmas money I received. Her Name is Jan Jetset and will be my second Travel/Con kitty when I could not take my larger Hello Kitty with me to a fur con or one of the large SF or Anime conventions. One day I would like to attend out of state conventions like furry fiesta, where I have to fly rather than drive. I might keep her in my suitcase or even carry her aboard and use her as part of my trip reports. 

*perhaps If I get any extra money one day I may done of my fursona.