Category Archives: Culture

An open letter to anonymous 15-year-old

Whan Papa bear offers bad advice.

Recently   the administer of the Greaymuzzle group and advice columnist posted a letter to his advice column from a 15year old called They Hate Us for Being Free:

“Hi Papabear,

I’ve been seeing a lot of furry hate recently on the internet, and to be honest, I am tired of people hating on us, thinking that we are all zoophiles or thermals [I think he means therians, or maybe feral], and to see that even though we hate them (zoophiles/therians) as well, people still don’t see that! I feel like the fandom is dying, and you know what? We should destroy the furry community to make a new community like it, except with thermals or zoophiles, and to not have inappropriate things like murrsuits. It should be child friendly!

Do you think we should recreate the furry fandom and have a set of rules with it? To keep everyone more safe and to stop furry hate all together?

Anonymous (age 15)”

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Furry has LGBTQ, but not all Furry is LGBTQ

There is a tread in the Furry Fandom of gender identity activists stuffing their political ideology with good helping of intersectionality into a hollowed out fursuit and declaring their ideology as the defining expression for the entire Furry Fandom, even to say furry is a subset of Queer as in LGBTQ.

Now let me throw a flag on this play: Sweeping Generalization Fallacy, ten-yard penalty. Yes, there is LGBTQ element in furry fandom, so there are heterosexual, Christian, liberal, conservative, etc. elements in the fandom, but no one group can declare themselves the one defining authority in the furry fandom and appoint themselves at the gate keeper of the fandom.

My response to the activist is you are part of the fandom you are not the owner of the furry fandom.    Furries are fans of anthropomorphic animals in art, literature, and fursuiting; one’s race, religion, politics, sexual identity is irrelevant when one is a talking animal. It is why in the past many of us furs got along by concentration on furry culture despite our ideological beliefs. The Furry fandom belongs to all and is not just entity for an activist to shove their ideology into the fandom. It is not my fandom; it is our fandom.

A little Furcon That Said No

A small convention, Free Fur All, held their convention in Tulsa Oklahoma. The attendance was 207 persons and they raised $8000.00 for charity. It would be an uneventful furcon  con except Free Fur All said one word that set the woke twitter mob on fire; the word is:


The convention billed itself as:

Prepare For A Classic Road Trip!

They don’t make things like they used to. This year we’re celebrating anthro by getting back to our routes where it all started- a love for animals.

Whether you come from near or far, from Chicago or the LA side, join us on a road trip to the American heartland along the Mother Road, Route 66, for America’s Anthro Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and don’t forget to take that left-turn at Albuquerque!

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Furcons and COVID I

BetaEtaDelota, a  fury YouTube  made a video that was on target that many  furcon will cancel  and never return but miss  the mark  in his criticism of  state reopening and  relaxing  lockdown and  mask requirements. The post below is  bade on my response to him.

The  good news  many furry conventions will not make it or  should downside and keep it local.  As a furry 14  years I find  the fandom is oversaturated with  furcons are nothing  more than glorified and expensive  meetups. The content at most furcons is  lacking compared to my local Anime, Science Fiction and Comicon.  For me farther the con, the greater the  expense,  thus the greater of my  requirement for theses  cons to provide a unique  panel and event experience  that exceeds  my local fur or anime convention. My pet peeved is a small fur con advertising  in Orgon, thinking  I going to spend $2000 (I fly first class country (I am 6,4) and  room alone) to a small furry convention the east coast.   I can see spending that much and more for  Dragoncon or San Diego Comicon.

I also wonder post COVID we will still  see a decline of attendance at fur cons due   to unemployment due ill-advised lockdown strategy or  simply realize the cost of attending conventions by all the  money saved 2020. In addition, another barrier to attendance is local travel  restrictions, such as  14 quarantine if one travels out of state. That is if the travel restrictions are not lifted.

Another threat  to fur cons and hotels  is  liability and litigation. An Anglican News source brought up the  brewing  legal mess.  They are going to be a lot of opportunist lawyers pushing   class actions lawsuits. “Did your love one died  of COVID-19, you may be entitled   to compensation” While  some fur cons  are too small, ambulance chasers will see  the deep pockets of hotel chains as  big targets.

Finally, your covid remake  are  off the mark. Let took at Covdi-19; it a disease  while, very contagious, has an exceptionally low infection to death ratio, about  2% or less and  the vast majority of deaths are  those 65 and older  with  underlying heath conditions.  80% of known infected persons experiences mild to no  symptoms.  Many in furry  community, according to demographic studies, are young and fall within the 80%  of minimal to asymptomatic group.

At the same time  a study, comparing California, with the most draconian lockdown,  to Florida, with little restrictions, show  that lockdowns have a minimal impact; both states show the same  growth of  COVID-19 cases. The lockdowns cause more harm  than good  if  one account for thousands of businesses permanently  closed  ,and jobs  lost, the increase of mental illnesses, and  domestic abuse.  Furthermore,  dire predictions in the past have not  panned out in a spike but trended like the rest of the country.    With vaccination of  more vulnerable elderly,  opening  up more seem prudent.